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Current Debates in Philosophy of Science

General Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of Life Sciences

Philosophy of Physical Sciences

Formal Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of Social Sciences 

Philosophy of Science in Practice

Ethical Issues

in Science

Integrated History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science

PSI23: Schedule

Keynote Address

Conference Paper




Day 1: 21 June

21 June

10am to 11.15am

Philosophy in the Age of Scientometrics 

Karen Yan

11.30am to 12.10pm

Inferential Scientific Realism

Tushar Menon

12.20pm to 1pm

Pesticide’s Pied Pipers: How Illegitimate Doubt Undermine Conclusive Evidence In Science

Praveena P

2.30pm to 3.30pm

Desiderata for a Metaphysical Account of Laws of Nature

Ngan Vu

3.45pm to 5pm

Intersections of Science and Humanism

Anjan Chakravartty

Day 2: 22 June

22 June

2.30pm to 3.30pm

Why Mental Disorders are Autonomous but not like Software Bugs

Ashitha M S

11.30am to 12.10pm

Laudan’s Meta-methodology of Science: A Critical Appraisal

Shonkholen Mate

3.45pm to 5pm

Materialism, Physics and the Unity of Science

James Ladyman

12.20pm to 1pm

The Challenges of Evaluating Citizen Science Data

Rose Trappes

10am to 11.15am

Rethinking Empiricism for 21st Century Research

Sabina Leonelli

Day 3: 23 June

23 June

10am to 11.15am

Equity and Justice in Global

Climate Policy 

Tejal Kanitkar

11.30am to 12.10pm

Predictive Processing and the Sciences of Mental Illness: A Case of Smuggling
in Values?

Matthew Crippen

12.20pm to 1pm

From Warsaw to Vienna: Truth, Formalisation & Explication

Siddhant Khamkar

2.30pm to 3.30pm

Model Organisms are not

Theoretical Models

Abel Thomas Alex

3.45pm to 5pm

Discussion/Feedback Session

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